In case you missed days one, two and three:
here and
To wrap up my vacation series, which only took three weeks (sorry!), let's finish up with days four, five and six. I promise I'll make them less picture heavy!
We spent much of day four exploring Playa del Carmen, and even eating at a real Mexican restaurant off the hotel property, before heading back to our resort to go to our new friends' wedding.
Can always count on there being a Starbucks |
After the wedding, we went to this amazing French restaurant for dinner and then joined the wedding party at the resort's club that night. It was around this time (really late) on Friday night that I began feeling a little sick.
Saturday was our last real day on vacation and I was feeling awful at this point. My throat and tonsils were swollen, it was getting hard to breathe out of my nose, the four mosquito bites I had gotten the day before were now the size of small saucers, including the one on my arm which was disfiguring my arm at this point, and all I really wanted to do was sleep. However, I couldn't ruin the last day for everyone else, so I sucked it up and we all went snorkeling, toured the giant hotel property for the 536864th time while drinking at all the bars along the way.

For dinner, we went to the Mexican restaurant (it's only right to celebrate your last day in Mexico eating Mexican) and at the end of dinner, I decided it was probably time to get some Benadryl. My friend and I left dinner early to see if the gift shop had any because we figured I had an allergic reaction to the mosquitos or maybe I ate something and didn't know I was allergic. And of course, no Benadryl. Though they did try to sell me seasonal allergy meds, which... just no. Plus I couldn't read the box, so I didn't want to waste money on something that I didn't feel would work.
We left the gift shop, went to our hotel's lobby bar and got drinks and as were were finishing up our margaritas, decided to use the EpiPen my friend had brought on the trip with her (she has a nut allergy).
I'm debating posting the video we took of me getting stabbed with this. Though my thigh was sore afterwards, it worked enough for me to fall asleep.
The next morning, we packed up all our stuff, went to breakfast and took pictures of our favorite places on the property before going to the lobby bar and getting our last drinks before heading back to the states.
And that my friends is the last of beautiful Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
The plane ride and the following days were miserable for me since I was feeling so awful, but most everything cleared up a week after getting back. My ears never fully popped after getting off the plane and for 4 days, they popped every time I yawned. My stomach has been giving me slight issues since my return and the funniest thing - my family all said I can't travel out of the country again since I came back feeling ill.
For the most part though, I had a fabulous time so... we'll see about that.