
Confessional Friday… On Sunday

Hey y'all! (woah, super Southern… )
On this kind of dreary Superbowl Sunday, I thought I would link up with Miss Leslie for a little "getting to know you" session. I'm a few days late on this - whoops - but I wanted to link-up anyway!

 My name is Allison. I originally started this blog in May of 2006, which technically makes this little corner of the blog world 8 YEARS OLD! However, I haven't posted consistently like this since June 2013. I began writing again in June just to chronicle my life, my journey into nursing school, and my growing relationship with Christ. As both this blog and I continue to grow, this blog will more than likely transform into documenting my life as a nurse, a wife, and a mother. 

When I originally started college, I intended to major in exercise and sports science. Then I realized I had to take chemistry and changed my mind to communication sciences and disorders to become a speech pathologist. Then I had a mental breakdown and decided I didn't want to do that either. Eventually I stumbled upon nursing, and funny enough, had to take that chemistry I tried to avoid so much. 
That being said, I am currently in my second semester of nursing school and while it is extremely challenging, I absolutely love it. I've learned so much about myself and what I can/cannot handle. Though I've always been compassionate and have had a deep love of helping others, I have grown in this tremendously more. 

I absolutely adore my family! I am the youngest of four - Daurian, Valarie and Alex. Growing up, my brother was (and still is) my best friend, but as we've all gotten older, we've definitely all become a lot closer. I guess things just became more relatable between us all… Momma and I have also become so much closer as I've gotten older and I'm so grateful that we have the relationship that we do; I tell her almost everything and she always gives me the best advice. She's so funny, she'll text me every couple of days if we haven't talked and say things like "I miss you, can't wait to catch up!"

Some random tidbits:
- I adore giraffes
- I strongly dislike coffee… Which makes getting up early for the hospital insanely difficult
- I am a shoe fanatic
- I am Cape Verdean and African American


1 comment:

  1. Love your post! I linked up too for confessional friday:)


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