
It's the Little Things

For those of you who follow me on twitter, you may have seen my tweet the other day about desiring a donut. For those of you who don't follow me, here you go:
And while I know that donuts aren't good for you, they're nothing but air, yadda yadda. The last time I had a delicious hot donut was at least 10 years ago. 

Funny story actually.
*set scene to 2004*
So Momma dropped me off at my sister and her fiancĂ©'s apartment (hello I was 11, can't drive). It was probably 2 am, her fiancĂ© was asleep and we were craving donuts. (SN: we have another donut story too back when she was in college… story for another day) So we look up there nearest 24 hour/open late Krispy Kreme and it was about 20 minutes away. We jump in her car, start driving and when we get there, the Hot Light was on (praise Him!). I don't and never have really eaten donuts like that but that didn't matter, we got a dozen and drove on our merry way back to her apartment.
The end.

Moral of the story, do what makes you happy.

Anyway, you know what happened when I wished upon twitter that I could go for a donut?

Yes. Hot Light = on.

The day that I went (Monday I believe), I had honestly been having a bad day, which had capped off an extremely rough and trying week and a half. I felt drained physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I missed my mom and my family and I felt alone and sad. I felt as though I had nothing left to offer and I really wanted to crawl into bed and go to sleep as soon as I got home from class at 4 PM.

No one on twitter knew this. 
No one knew the story as to why I wanted the fluffy air-filled goodness of a warm donut (reminds me of very few Saturdays during my childhood when I'd come downstairs and a box of donuts was waiting for us - and no, this didn't happen often, Momma always made big weekend breakfasts).
Donuts remind me of simpler times.
Plain and simple.

And yet, someone had seen my tweet. Someone made my entire day so much better by getting me not just one, but a dozen donuts.
(I kind of wish I didn't have a dozen now that I'm writing this. There's only 3 left staring at me and that's no bueno for bathing suit season.)

It's really just the little things that can brighten my day, and anyone's day for that matter.

Do something for someone else today. 
Make someone smile.


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