Happy (Almost) New Year!

(This is picture heavy! Don't say I didn't warn you.)
So as I prepare to ring in the New Year, I want to look back on some of the things I have done/accomplished in 2013:


Went to a Hawks game with Orson and his friends

Was officially declared a junior at The University of Georgia

Attended my friend's "Finally you're 21!" birthday party

Picked up Eman and Sam from the airport

Went out for Orson's birthday in Atlanta


Attended Faceoff (an NPHC stepshow)

 Got a free short stack from IHOP

 Attended Phazes of Love in Atlanta (go, go, go!)

 Had class with this guy


 Watched my friends walk in a fashion show

 Attended the Kendrick Lamar concert

 Went to Miami for spring break

Got accepted into nursing school

Two of my good friends became Kappas


Was a car model (right before I went to a party)

Went to the Botanical Gardens in Athens

 Watched my friend become a Delta

Hung out with this guy who I helped recruit to The University of Georgia

 Went to graduation 


Attended my friend's "21 again!" birthday party

Started working on this blog more regularly!

Worked all summer (including July) to save up money for my new apartment


 Jury Duty…

My brother graduated!


 Moved into my apartment

 Took a last minute trip to Cincinnati

Yes, lil ol me drove this truck
My friend found her wedding dress!

Started nursing school

Went to my first UGA game of the 2013 season


Met Mr. Greece

Grandma passed away…

Saw this guy right before destroying my knee for all of eternity


Attended my friend's pageant, Ms. Black and Gold


Attended Blackout for UGA's homecoming

Friend's bridal shower (bridesmaid, whoop whoop!)

Went to Auburn for the UGA v Auburn game

 Turned 21!

Got a new tattoo

Decorated this cap

And attended my last graduation of 2013

I know I've been MIA for the month of December, but I am happy to be back. I wish all of you a happy, safe and blessed New Years!

, ,

Under the Weather

Hey y'all!
I don't want you to think I've forgotten about you, I promise I haven't.
I've been sick with only God knows what and though I am a future nurse, I refuse to go to the doctor (yeah yeah, I know…). 

All I know is that you don't want what I have and since I am 1000% sure it's a virus, I don't want to risk having it infect y'all ;-) (computer pun… lame. it's the illness talking).

So, I'm going to leave y'all with the one thing I want for Christmas and the one thing the domestic woman in me wants for Christmas, can you figure out which is which?
