I Have a Problem

I (along with the rest of the world) am on a health kick.
Except this isn't a kick, it's actually a lifestyle change - I joined a gym.

Yes that's right.

I figured if I'm paying for something monthly, I'll definitely be making the most use out of it.


Happy New Year!

I cannot believe it is already 2016.
I swear this past year has flown by, but I am so thankful for all that I have learned in 2015.

In 2015, I learned -

There are bad people in this world
and there are still racists in this world,
But there are also beautiful, sweet souls out there as well.
I am stronger than I ever knew,
and ever imagined.
I have lost some friendships
but I have made some new truly amazing friends
and I have strengthened some of the friendships that I've had.
I have learned that my plan is not THE plan
and I've had to remind myself of this daily
but God knows what He is doing and He is doing some great work in me. 

In 2016, I intend to - 

Love myself more
Listen to God ALL of the time
Become healthier
Save more money for my future
Find something - anything - that truly makes me happy no matter what
Remind myself that my story is a book that has been written and pulled off of His shelf

What have you learned from 2015? Any resolutions for the new year?
