End of SBX

Spring break is sadly coming to a close (aka SBX). I've never been so busy during spring break in my life, I could actually go for a few more days off for some "me" time.

Over the past 7 days, I've been in/through 6 states. 
Let's walk through em, shall we?

I left for Boston, Massachusetts April 1st and didn't get home til Monday, April 5th. I was up there visiting my sister and while there, I also visited two colleges (Emerson and Boston University) and even went to New York. In order to get to New York, we had to take a bus through Connecticut.

Two days after I got back to Georgia, I left to go visit Clemson in South Carolina. Thursday, my dad and I crashed a tour group as Auburn in Alabama where I got to see my best friend, J.Hop, and introduce him to my dad! 

In total, that makes 6 states in 7 days.

Crazy right? I really didnt have any down time until now.

Here are a few prom photos from the other weekend:


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