
Runnin' Thru the 6

Though I think there was some debate as to whether the people of Toronto actually liked that Aubrey Graham called the city "the 6," that's where I'm headed today.

Sissy's post-wedding party is officially this weekend and I am so excited to get out of the country and visit her and her husband and the city they love. 

What's in store while I'm there?

Being touristy
Dancing with my in-laws
Trying not to look touristy
Meeting new people
Maybe some patio day drinking
Did I say drinking?

I get back Sunday night and work starts Monday morning.
T hough I didn't achieve everything on my summer bucket list, what a way to close out this summer.


  1. I actually live in Toronto!, and have to admit, some of us actually like referring to the city as the 6! aha, if you have snapchat, theres even a filter referring back to your location as "in the 6".

    And, this weekend looks like a good one - with the weather and all! Enjoy! Can't wait to read about your thought about the city! :)

    1. Hahaha oh the 6. I definitely caught myself calling it that while I was there. But I had absolutely no service while I was up there (boo for not having international coverage!) but I LOVE your city. I used and abused your filters on snapchat (add me - ag.13) and seriously fell in love with the city over, and over and over each morning I was there!

      I hope you had a fantastic last weekend and I can't wait to tell you all about the trip!


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