

I'm so late to the party, but I'm just glad I made it this week! Linking up with the wonderful ladies April, Christina, Darci and Natasha to present my own twist on Five on Friday...

This week my five things include:
1. Running the happiest 5k on the planet
2. Spending a fabulous Easter weekend with my family
3. Getting my tonsils out
4. Seeing my brother for the first time in 4 months
5. Coming back to the blogging world with a vengeance (for now... haha)

But now back to that 5k.

4:30 am on April 4th *cue iPhone alarm*

"You have GOT to be kidding me..." is all I'm thinking. Knowing that I slept horribly and had a race to run just a few hours later, I was tempted to pull the covers back over my head and go back to bed. 

Instead, I slowly got out of bed to go check and see if my sister and niece were up.
I walked into her room to find both of them knocked out, so I gently tried to wake her. You know when someone comes in to wake you up and you wake up startled and in panic mode because now you're running much later than you intended? Yeah... That was happening.

By 5:05 am however, we were out the door and on our way to the Atlanta Motor Speedway for our race. The reason for leaving so early was because 1) Hampton, GA is at least an hour from where we live and 2) we both received emails ALL week about how crazy race day packet pickup would be and we don't do lines very well.

All that to say we were the second car in line at Chick fil A and first in line to pick up my race packet. 
To continue our early morning adventures, it was pouring when we arrived to the Atlanta Motor Speedway and winds were at least 15 mph. When we decided to brave the elements to go get my race day packet, we had to hold our umbrellas sideways to protect against the strong winds and rain. At one point, my sister was trying to be Mary Poppins and her umbrella flipped inside out which I know had to be excellent early morning entertainment for the other runners waiting in their warm cars. 

While waiting for the race to start, we spotted a few other runners with arm warmers so we asked where they got them and decided to go wait in line and pay for some warmth because babyyyy it was cold. 
Well, cold up until the sun came out right as soon as the race started. 

During the 5k, we ran through pink, orange, blue and yellow and as a new feature this year, The Color Run added on a Shine element where they throw glitter. 

These sweet people... 

I had glitter thrown into the side of my face.
As much as I love glitter, y'all probably know as well as I do that it's a pain in the ass to get off, clean up and generally just live with. 

Every pillow I've laid my head on and every shirt I've worn has amassed ridiculous amounts of glitter on it for the past week, despite the number of times I have washed my hair. 

On our way back home, my sister and I talked for a little while but with the drive being over an hour long we both commented on how tired we were and how insane it would be to drive that far very often. I noticed that my niece wasn't saying much but whenever I'd turn back to look at her, she would just be staring out the window.
When we pulled into the driveway, I looked back and this sweet girl was knocked out, not worried about a neck cramp or nothin'. 

I had such a great time at the race with my family! So much so that my sissy and I already registered for The Color Run at Night in Atlanta later on this year!

Have y'all done any fun runs lately or are you signed up for any in the near future?

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