Let's Get Down to Business

So it's been 6 days since I started my workout program and so far, I'm truly loving it. 
I feel like I have more energy, and when I hit the bed now? No more tossing and turning. I'm literally out like a lightbulb. It's amazing

My diet is also going fairly well. I'm doing a mostly veggie and fruit diet, with some form of protein once a day. I had to kinda break this diet yesterday though. Why?

Because it was PI(E) DAY!

I'm such a nerd.

Your Pie offers pizza for $3.14 on pi(e) day and I just couldn't resist when I was invited by a good friend of mine. 

Today though? 

Back to the ol' grind. I worked out this morning, so I feel refreshed. 

Oh and I weighed myself and I'm down 4 pounds!
(SN: I realized that I never told you where my dad took Momma for her birthday... ARUBA! She had a great time, told me she loved it! She also took pictures of these mannequins in the stores because they had such big butts and boobs LOL.)

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