

I've got just one final standing in the way of me and the finish line.

That's right - graduation.

After 4 years in this beautiful, southern college town of mine, it's almost time for me to pack my things and move on to bigger and better things. But first, five things I'm thinking about this week by way of Darci, Natasha, April, and Christina.

Monday, I was supposed to go to my very first career interview ever (and I'm not counting the jobs I had in high school) but it got cancelled because The Joint Commission was there. Talk about being upset! I ended up going to HR anyway and meeting with my recruiter, but I wish I would have been able to meet with the unit directors and proceed with my interview.

However, God always has a plan.

My second interview ever was on Tuesday and I got lost. Like drove around campus 25 times and sat in the wrong parking deck. It was a 5 person panel interview with rapid fire questions, but the unit directors were all so sweet and thankfully they laughed at some of my comments so I didn't feel like I had a stiff crowd. I walked out of there feeling 50/50. It wasn't that I thought I did poorly, but I couldn't read them for the life of me, so I had no idea how I did. After my interview I hung around the campus for a little while to left traffic die down, soak up some sun and people watch.

After the aforementioned interview, my car broke down. Like just gave up. Driving along and my check engine light came on, but the car wasn't smoking and the temperature gauge was where it normally is. Then all of my dash lights came on and then flickered off and on. Then all of my gauges went haywire and pushing the gas pedal got me nowhere. So naturally, I freaked out while essentially coasting onto some random side street, parked and broke into tears. Thankfully I have such an amazing friend who drove down to hang out with me so I wasn't alone and drove me back home. Two hours later the tow truck showed up, but seeing my baby up on the bed of that truck... Poor Blu.

Wednesday I got a phone call that changed my life - I was offered a position at a nationally recognized hospital on the hematology/leukemia unit. What an amazing way to begin my nursing career. I am truly so thankful at the opportunity that God has given me!

It's so funny how God worked this week to make sure I was where I needed to be. Even with how crappy I felt the week started out, I did my best to remain positive but after my car broke down I honestly lost it. I didn't lose faith that God had a plan for me but I certainly thought it was a sign that today wasn't my day - interview included. 

How wrong I was. 

I graduate in 8 now 7 days y'all.
Praise Jesus for all He has brought me through during nursing school - from the countless breakdowns and career reconsiderations to passing exams, loving my patients more than I could imagine and creating friendships that I know will last forever. It's been a long two years, but I don't regret a single moment.


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