
Post Tonsillectomy: Final Days

Day 8
headache. headache headache.
Don't want to move but I'm only taking my pain meds at meals and at night now! I tried tylenol instead but then decided to switch to hycet almost instantly afterwards since I just wanted to eat and instantly regret that. Headache that lead to nausea that resulted in being bedridden all day. DON'T DO WHAT I DID TODAY.

Day 9
headache, headache headache.
Felt awful, headache all day and pain eating. Trying to stop the hycet, so I only took it at meals (today was at lunch) to help swallowing not hurt so much. What's awesome is, I DIDNT HAVE TO TAKE IT AT DINNER!
Granted it took me much longer to eat and was very uncomfortable, I didn't feel the need to take my pain meds. I'm so excited.

wellness score: 6

Day 10
The difference a day makes.
Today God really blessed me in so many ways.
Not only did my headache lessen, my throat hurt less and I only had to take hycet once overnight into today and NONE AT ALL today!

Day 11
Took tylenol at 9pm last night, nothing overnight and slept until 7am before my throat started aching!
Had to go to class today, meaning I saw a lot more people than usual so even though I tried not to, I did a lot of talking. My throat hurt a little more because of that but it's getting better.
Scabs are gone! 
In general it's more of a throat ache when I swallow than anything else, it's not a painful fiasco anymore. Water still hurts more to swallow than powerade but I know my body needs water (especially since thats all I usually drink) so I'm trying to drink some anyway.


After day 11, I stopped writing about my experience because for the most part I was fine!
Aside from not being able to eat spicy foods and how painful yawning was, I was great. At a month later, I was about 95% back to normal. I still had some soreness when I yawned, but I could eat whatever and my throat didn't hurt. Now that I'm just over a month and a half out from surgery, I have some slight residual tenderness when yawning, but other than that, I feel great!

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