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Five on Friday

Thanks to Darci, Natasha, April and Christina for bringing us Five on Friday every week!

Last week was one of the most hectic weeks I've had in a while, so let's go ahead and jump right in, shall we?


Tuesday, June 9th
I took the NCLEX. After 75 questions, it was over and feeling completely defeated and numb, I made my way back to my parents' house repeating the same thing to anyone who asked, "WHAT did I just take and did I even go to nursing school?!"


Wednesday, June 10th
I found out that I was officially a registered nurse. HOW?! I'm honestly still in shock and numb to that fact that I have RN behind my name, but I am so so blessed by God's plan. 

From Zazzle

Mom threw an I DO BBQ rehearsal dinner for the wedding Friday, June 12 and it was perfect! My sister and her groom-to-be were surrounded by very close friends and family and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves immensely! I was such a bad blogger that night, I didn't take any pictures... But the picture above is what the invitation was similar to.


My sister's wedding was this past Saturday.
Y'all... absolutely beautiful. It was an intimate wedding of about 30 people, no bridal party, but my niece was the flower girl and her brothers were the ring bearers. She got married at our local church where my grandma was very well known and loved by our favorite monsignor.
Her reception was done so beautifully as well - we all laughed and danced and drank to our hearts content. My father made a speech for the ages, as did my sister's husband, and I don't think it could have been any more perfect. But then again, maybe I'm biased.

Now that the most hectic part of my summer is over, time to go apartment hunting...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on becoming an RN! That's such an accomplishment!

    I love simple but elegant weddings and your sister's sounds wonderful! :-)


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