
"A New Earth," A New Outlook

I'm reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle with my mom and my sister. It was part of Oprah's Book Club a few years back and let me tell you, this is such a great book! I think the idea of reading it with other people is especially helpful though because the first 50 pages were hard to get through. They set up the premise of the book, which focuses on the ego and how everything you describe yourself as is not who you are and who you think you are is not who you are. While that sounds confusing - and it probably is - it's good!

If you're looking to be awakened and want to recognize that everything that you feel is the ego, you need to read this book. If you want to see that people aren't bad, but they're egos make them do things you don't agree with and aren't pleased with, read this. 

When you realize that "whatever happens in [your] life is no longer of absolute but only of relative importance. [You] honor it, but it loses its absolute seriousness, its heaviness."

"The ego tends to equate having with Being: I have, therefore I am. And the more I have, the more I am. The ego lives through comparison. How you are seen by others turns into how you see yourself."

If you want to read more about this, if you want to be awakened and realize that the mind is insane, dysfunctional, and that there is so much more to us than we think (since we aren't who we think we are), read this book!!

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